An assessment is a process applied by a psychologist to reach a better understanding of the problems experienced by the person in consultation. This process is helpful in evaluating and diagnosing mood disorders, personality traits and cognitive functioning (e.g., problems with memory and concentration).

It frequently happens that a client is specifically referred for a psychological assessment (Insurance compensation, the Court, differential diagnostis ...) and often the evaluation process will lead to the preparation of a report to the referring source. Also, psychological assessments may be necessary in the planning of psychological treatment, to clarify a diagnosis, in understanding cognitive dysfunctions and the resources of the individual that can helpful to the psychological intervention.

How does the psychologist perform an assessment?
What evaluation methods are used?
There are many definitions of psychological treatment but all forms have some things in common. One of them is that all psychological treatments are intended to help people experiencing various problems and to bring about personal changes that will improve their lives. Psychologists help clients to set goals and define how the psychological treatment will help them reach these goals. Psychologists also evaluate the clients’ progress in reaching their goals.

What are the reasons for undertaking a psychological treatment?
What intervention models are used?
All couples go through ups and downs in their relationships it is normal and common. However, some conflicts may have persistent and negative impacts on the wellness of the partners. Psychologists can help couples improve their communication and to develop healthier habits to resolve their conflicts.

You may also wish to consult a psychologist to enrich your life as a couple. The examination and the creation of a common vision of the individuals in their relationship can deepen the feeling of connection between partners.
Any environment where people live or work can present traumatic events that have a negative impact on individuals, both physically and psychologically. A traumatic event is defined as any incident that threatens the life or the physical or psychological integrity of an individual. The person or persons may be the target of the incident or merely have witnessed it.

When should you go for help?
Following a traumatic experience, it is imperative to act quickly and effectively to reduce its impact on individuals. The individual’s reaction to trauma is usually a normal reaction to an abnormal or unusual situation. A comprehensive evaluation of the condition of the individuals involved provides a basis for distinguishing between minor or normal reactions and those that require clinical attention.

Individual interventions available
Debriefing is a group intervention that, ideally, is offered within 72 hours following the trauma and allows participants to ventilate about their traumatic experience, their symptoms, and how to alleviate them in the short and long term. This session is about two hours in length.

In specific instances, an individual intervention may be offered to people who were unable to participate in group interventions, if their condition warrants it. A clinical follow-up is provided after any group or individual intervention.

Individual psychotherapy
Trauma victims may need individual psychological treatment not only shortly after the event but sometimes much later on. A thorough psychological assessment is advised, after which the client may be offered specific psychological treatments. A number of specific methods of psychological intervention (EMDR, cognitive therapy, etc.) have proved effective and are offered by experienced psychologists. Clearly, the psychological intervention is carried out in addition to any pharmacological intervention prescribed by a doctor or psychiatrist, as the case may be.

Access to psychological services
When possible, psychologists are prepared to intervene rapidly when a crisis situation requires it. A fair number of employers or groups of people have a prearranged agreement with us for this type of intervention. Those are often Employee Assistance Programs that we already serve, or other groups that want access to us at the CPA for Trauma Interventions. (Refer the section on Business - Crisis Intervention services).
Personal coaching is a collaborative relationship between a personal coach and a client that fosters well-being through change and transformation. The personal coach helps the client to clearly target what he or she wants that will make their lives more productive and balanced. At the very beginning, a coaching contract is drawn up, in which the client formulates clear objectives with the coach’s help. Subsequently, various coaching techniques are used to help the client reach a higher level of personal success.

Who can benefit from personal coaching?
Why hire a personal coach?
What happens in a coaching session?